운전자보험 약관 자동차부상 자가보상 자부상 치료비 악사

by 라온 다이렉트 보험센터



In the contents of the drivers insurance coverage, youThe physical body you wear when you are not drivingDamage is also guaranteed.So, if you constitute a special contract related to thisFrom buses to subways, bicycles,Even in a car accident while walkingYou can also be guaranteedFor those who use public transport a lotIt can be advantageous.In the case of a car accident, the major cause of death isIt can lead to dire consequences,No matter how small the accident, the detective,accompanied by administrative actionAs a general rule, this risk is minimalPrepare for necessary damages in advanceTo do this, you need to find out about car insurance.The cost of handling a traffic accident in the drivers insurance compensation is your own.When an accident occurs due to negligenceAbout damage caused to othersPay insurance. speaking hereThe accident was a 12-year-old gross negligence accident.Drunk driving or driving without a licensePlease note that this is not guaranteed.Unintentional accidents while drivingThere may be situations where you become the perpetrator.In this case, the victim is killed or seriously injured.In the event of an injury, administrative responsibilityCriminal liability cannot be avoided either.And car insurance, drivers insurance, is just such a situation.It can be said to be prepared for coping.